I've been an ecologist for thirty years.
My favorite part of ecology is the field work: radio-tracking jaguars in Peru, mist-netting birds in Ecuador, collecting clouds in an Adirondack spruce forest, climbing trees in Yosemite to look for pollution injury... The academic papers have influenced environmental policy, but its the adventures behind the papers that inspire my young friends. "Tell us about when you were charged by a puma in the middle of the night!" not "Read that article you wrote on tree physiological modeling!"
Here is the short version of my academic career, and some of the scientific papers that have been published.
My favorite part of ecology is the field work: radio-tracking jaguars in Peru, mist-netting birds in Ecuador, collecting clouds in an Adirondack spruce forest, climbing trees in Yosemite to look for pollution injury... The academic papers have influenced environmental policy, but its the adventures behind the papers that inspire my young friends. "Tell us about when you were charged by a puma in the middle of the night!" not "Read that article you wrote on tree physiological modeling!"
Here is the short version of my academic career, and some of the scientific papers that have been published.
Education and Afterwards
BA, 1984. Biology, Princeton University.
PhD, 1995. Dual major: Plant Physiology and Forest Science, Oregon State University.
Post-docs at Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley.
Research Associate, University of California Berkeley.
Air Pollution Specialist, Global Warming Solutions Act, California Air Resources Board.
PhD, 1995. Dual major: Plant Physiology and Forest Science, Oregon State University.
Post-docs at Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley.
Research Associate, University of California Berkeley.
Air Pollution Specialist, Global Warming Solutions Act, California Air Resources Board.
Key Research Publications
Panek, J., D. Saah, A. Esperanza, A. Bytnerowicz, W. Fraczek and R. Cisneros. 2013. Ozone distribution in remote ecologically vulnerable terrain of the southern Sierra Nevada, CA. Environmental Pollution 182: 343-356.
Panek, J., A. Esperanza, D. Saah. 2013. Air Quality/Air Pollution. In: National Park Service. 2013. Eds. C. Sydoriak, J. Panek, K. Nydick and J. Battles. A natural resource condition assessment for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Natural Resource Report Natural Resource Report NPS/SEKI/NRR—2013/665. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
This paper was used as a background document for the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution:
Panek, J.A., D. D. Baldocchi, A. H. Goldstein. 2003. The need for spatially and functionally integrated models of ozone deposition to Sierra Nevada forests. Chapter for Elsevier book: Ozone Air Pollution in the Sierra Nevada – Distribution and Effects on Forests. Editors: Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Michael Arbaugh, and Rocio Alonso. Elsevier, Oxford. 388 pp.
Panek, JA. 2004. Ozone uptake, water loss and carbon exchange dynamics in annually drought-stressed Pinus ponderosa forests: measured trends and parameters for uptake modeling. Tree Physiology 24: 277-290.
Misson L, Panek JA, Goldstein AH. 2004. A comparison of three modeling approaches for leaf gas exchange in annually drought-stressed Pinus ponderosa forests. Tree Physiology 24: 529-541.
Panek, J.A., M. Kurpius, and A.H. Goldstein. 2002. An evaluation of ozone exposure metrics for a ponderosa pine ecosystem. Environmental Pollution 117:93-100.
Panek, J.A., and A.H. Goldstein. 2001. Response of stomatal conductance to drought in ponderosa pine: implications for carbon and ozone uptake. Tree Physiology 21: 335-342.
Panek, J.A. 2004. Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble: The Challenges of Restoring Fire as Natural Process in Western Forests (book review). Ecology: Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 581–582.
Panek, J.A. 2000. Forest response to air pollution in Europe and North America (book review). Ecology 81(9):2648-2649.
Other Research Publications
Law, B.E., A.H. Goldstein, P.M. Anthoni, M.H. Unsworth, J.A. Panek, M.R. Bauer, J.M. Fracheboud, N. Hultman. 2001. CO2 and water vapor exchange by young and old ponderosa pine ecosystems during a drought year. Tree Physiology 21:297-306.
Goldstein, A.H., N.E. Hultman, J.M. Fracheboud, M.R. Bauer, J.A. Panek, M. Xu, Y. Qi, A.B. Guenther, and W. Baugh 2000. Effects of climate variability on the carbon dioxide, water, and sensible heat fluxes above a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada (CA), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 101: 113-129.
Bauer, M.R., A.H. Goldstein, J.A. Panek, N.E. Hultman. 2000. Ozone deposition to a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (CA): A comparison of two different climatic years, J. Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 105(D17): 22123-22136.
Panek, Jeanne A., P.A. Matson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P. Brooks. 2000. Distinguishing nitrification and denitrification sources of N2O in a Mexican wheat system using δN15 as a tracer. Ecological Applications 10(2): 506-514.
Panek, Jeanne A. and Richard H. Waring. 1997. Stable carbon isotopes as indicators of limitations to forest growth imposed by climate stress. Ecological Applications 7:854-863.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1996. Correlations between stable carbon-isotope abundance and hydraulic conductivity in Douglas-fir across a climate gradient in Oregon, USA. Tree Physiology 16:747-755.
Panek, Jeanne A. and Richard H. Waring. 1995. Carbon isotope variation in Douglas-fir foliage: improving the δ13C-climate relationship. Tree Physiology 15: 657-663.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1995. A stable carbon isotope approach to distinguish climate stress from other imposed stresses in coniferous forests, PhD Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1984. Lichens as indicators of air pollution in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. BA Thesis, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Panek, J., A. Esperanza, D. Saah. 2013. Air Quality/Air Pollution. In: National Park Service. 2013. Eds. C. Sydoriak, J. Panek, K. Nydick and J. Battles. A natural resource condition assessment for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Natural Resource Report Natural Resource Report NPS/SEKI/NRR—2013/665. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
This paper was used as a background document for the UN/ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution:
Panek, J.A., D. D. Baldocchi, A. H. Goldstein. 2003. The need for spatially and functionally integrated models of ozone deposition to Sierra Nevada forests. Chapter for Elsevier book: Ozone Air Pollution in the Sierra Nevada – Distribution and Effects on Forests. Editors: Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Michael Arbaugh, and Rocio Alonso. Elsevier, Oxford. 388 pp.
Panek, JA. 2004. Ozone uptake, water loss and carbon exchange dynamics in annually drought-stressed Pinus ponderosa forests: measured trends and parameters for uptake modeling. Tree Physiology 24: 277-290.
Misson L, Panek JA, Goldstein AH. 2004. A comparison of three modeling approaches for leaf gas exchange in annually drought-stressed Pinus ponderosa forests. Tree Physiology 24: 529-541.
Panek, J.A., M. Kurpius, and A.H. Goldstein. 2002. An evaluation of ozone exposure metrics for a ponderosa pine ecosystem. Environmental Pollution 117:93-100.
Panek, J.A., and A.H. Goldstein. 2001. Response of stomatal conductance to drought in ponderosa pine: implications for carbon and ozone uptake. Tree Physiology 21: 335-342.
Panek, J.A. 2004. Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble: The Challenges of Restoring Fire as Natural Process in Western Forests (book review). Ecology: Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 581–582.
Panek, J.A. 2000. Forest response to air pollution in Europe and North America (book review). Ecology 81(9):2648-2649.
Other Research Publications
Law, B.E., A.H. Goldstein, P.M. Anthoni, M.H. Unsworth, J.A. Panek, M.R. Bauer, J.M. Fracheboud, N. Hultman. 2001. CO2 and water vapor exchange by young and old ponderosa pine ecosystems during a drought year. Tree Physiology 21:297-306.
Goldstein, A.H., N.E. Hultman, J.M. Fracheboud, M.R. Bauer, J.A. Panek, M. Xu, Y. Qi, A.B. Guenther, and W. Baugh 2000. Effects of climate variability on the carbon dioxide, water, and sensible heat fluxes above a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada (CA), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 101: 113-129.
Bauer, M.R., A.H. Goldstein, J.A. Panek, N.E. Hultman. 2000. Ozone deposition to a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (CA): A comparison of two different climatic years, J. Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 105(D17): 22123-22136.
Panek, Jeanne A., P.A. Matson, I. Ortiz-Monasterio, and P. Brooks. 2000. Distinguishing nitrification and denitrification sources of N2O in a Mexican wheat system using δN15 as a tracer. Ecological Applications 10(2): 506-514.
Panek, Jeanne A. and Richard H. Waring. 1997. Stable carbon isotopes as indicators of limitations to forest growth imposed by climate stress. Ecological Applications 7:854-863.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1996. Correlations between stable carbon-isotope abundance and hydraulic conductivity in Douglas-fir across a climate gradient in Oregon, USA. Tree Physiology 16:747-755.
Panek, Jeanne A. and Richard H. Waring. 1995. Carbon isotope variation in Douglas-fir foliage: improving the δ13C-climate relationship. Tree Physiology 15: 657-663.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1995. A stable carbon isotope approach to distinguish climate stress from other imposed stresses in coniferous forests, PhD Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
Panek, Jeanne A. 1984. Lichens as indicators of air pollution in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. BA Thesis, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.